
Gujarati Calendar 2018 APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 1.0.19
  • 4.3

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

Análisis Softonic

Calendario Gujarati 2018: Una aplicación de calendario tradicional hindú

Gujarati Calendar 2018 is a Hindu traditional calendar app developed by Softpulse Infotech. This helpful app provides various festival data in a traditional manner, allowing users to know the current Rashi (Zodiac), Rashi Character, festival, and sunrise and sunset time. Users can also set notifications for upcoming tithis such as Bij, Aatham, Agyaras, Poonam, Amas, and more.

Some of the most useful features of the app include the timing of sunrise and sunset, days and night Choghadiya, today's Shubh Muhrat, today's or upcoming holidays, today's or upcoming Zodiac signs, current and next Choghadiya, and notifications for upcoming tithis. Users can also add custom events by long pressing on a particular date. The app also features nice animations during the 30 minutes of sunset and sunrise.

Additionally, users can utilize the widget to quickly access today's information without opening the app. The developers have promised more updates and a new design coming soon.

Please note that if you have any queries or suggestions, you can contact the developer at

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Gujarati Calendar 2018 APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 1.0.19
  • 4.3

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

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